How to optimize storage handling work effectively?

Material/finished product handling is an auxiliary link in the production process, which exists in the warehouse, between the warehouse and the production department, and in all aspects of shipping. Handling has a great impact on the production efficiency of enterprises, and through effective material loading and handling management, the time and cost occupied can be greatly compressed. For warehouse management, this is a very important management content. Therefore, it is necessary to design the material handling to make it more scientific and rational.
This article will introduce 7 methods to optimize warehouse handling work, hope to be helpful to you:

1. reasonable choice of material handling methods
In the process of material/finished product loading and unloading, it is necessary to choose reasonable loading and unloading and handling methods according to the characteristics of different materials. Whether it is a centralized operation or a bulk operation, the choice should be made according to the characteristics of the material. When handling the same kind of material, centralized operation can be adopted.
In the WMS system, the products that need to be handled can be entered into the system in advance, and the operator only needs to carry out the handling according to the information displayed in the PDA. In addition, the location of the product can be displayed in the PDA, and the operator only needs to act according to the PDA instructions. This not only avoids the impact of product information confusion on the operator, but also improves the work efficiency of the operator, and truly achieves "faster, more efficient, more accurate and better".

2. reduce the ineffective loading and unloading of materials
The performance of ineffective handling is mainly due to excessive handling times of material handling.
Too many times of material handling will increase costs, slow down the speed of material circulation throughout the enterprise, and increase the possibility of material damage. Therefore, in the loading and unloading of materials, it is necessary to cancel or merge some operations as far as possible.
This problem can be solved using the WMS system, as mentioned above, the operator works according to the PDA instructions, those repetitive, unnecessary handling work will also be effectively solved.

3. material handling operation scientific
Scientific loading, unloading and handling means to ensure that materials are intact and not damaged in the process of operation, to eliminate brutal operations, and to ensure the personal safety of operators. When using material handling equipment and facilities, it is necessary to pay attention to their load rate, which should be within the allowable range of equipment and facilities, and it is strictly prohibited to use it over or beyond the limit.

4. Coordinate loading, unloading, handling and other operations
The material/finished product handling operation and other operations need to be coordinated and unified to give full play to the link role of material handling.
To achieve the coordination of loading, unloading and handling operations and other operations, it can be achieved through standardized operations. The standardization of handling operations refers to the formulation of a unified standard for the procedures, equipment, facilities and material units of handling operations. With a unified standard, it will be more convenient to coordinate handling operations and other operations.

5. Combination of unit loading and systematic operation
In the process of loading and unloading, pallets and containers should be used as far as possible for operational activities. The pallet separates the materials from each other, which is convenient and flexible in classification; The container will concentrate the unitized materials to form a large batch, which can be loaded and unloaded with mechanical equipment and has higher efficiency.

6. the use of mechanical equipment to achieve large-scale operations
Machinery can perform a large number of operations, resulting in economies of scale. Therefore, if conditions permit, replacing manual work with mechanical equipment can effectively improve the efficiency of loading, unloading and handling operations and reduce the cost of loading, unloading and handling.

7.the use of gravity for material handling
In the process of loading and unloading, the factor of gravity should be considered and used. The use of gravity is to use the height difference, the use of simple tools such as chutes and skateboards in the loading and unloading process, you can use the weight of the material itself to automatically slide down from the height to reduce labor consumption.

Post time: Sep-11-2023